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2024: The Wacky Wiegler Year in Review (11 days shy)

I'm a stickler for details. "Why is everyone doing their year roundups several weeks before the end of the year?" I asked my friend Len. "Well, because it's the way they do it, you know, the year's almost over." I can't remember exactly what he said. "But something incredible - good or bad - could still happen in these, let's see, 12 days." "Then write your roundup and add something in if that happens." So here we are. This was a difficult year, though not without its share of excitement and joy. The principal excitement came when I bussed off to D.C. as I have been wanting to do for a couple years, and attended the National Press Club Career Day . We got free profile pictures courtesy of a wonderful photographer by the name of Melissa Lyttle and I met with representatives of the AP, Washington Post and regional publications around the country. My favorite part of the day was probably "Nail the interview: Advice for succ...

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