The Wacky Wiegler Year in Review: See Ya, ‘23!

This year sucked.
The only redeeming portion of 2023 was the chunk dedicated to helping New Haven schoolchildren and teens turn on their Chromebooks and access the lessons their real teachers had provided them. I also lost 10 pounds. And in February I was offered an environmental reporting job in North Dakota that I, temporarily insane, passed up.
Other than that, I did not find a permanent job, boyfriend or cat, nor undiscovered millions. Oh yes, I did fall in love with someone ELSE's cat, Laird, a sturdy white dazzler at a Hamden Airbnb. I also joined the club and caught C, after a mask was brought to a kid in class and an aide pushed her name and number my way. Paxlovid was gross, but it worked. I have spent the 10 months since carefully avoiding sniffling vectors unless you count yesterday when Amtrak diverted us to a bus and the guy behind me coughed his way from New Haven to Hartford.
I spent a lot of time alone this year, at McDonald's in West Haven or Branford. Spent time trying to organize two storage units, only to realize they are more unruly than ever. Goal: Organize by the new year! Get rid of one entirely!
I stayed at several Airbnbs, liking a handful, loving two or three. Staying in others' homes has helped me behave more congenially in the mornings. I also greatly appreciate whenever I have a toilet to myself.
I spent a lot of time at Yale's libraries this year researching my PhD subject. I missed the Dec. 1 English Department deadline at said uni, but alas, realized I only want to attend a British school anyway. I am forging ahead for 2024. I do this in memory of my dear Uncle John, a nuclear physicist who was #1 at West Point the year I was born! I miss you, sweet uncle, and thank you for teaching me "life isn't about what you almost did" and how to distinguish ducks from mallards (the pretty boys!)
In November I landed a part-time seasonal job at Kohl's in Branford, which has actually been kind of fun. Great coworkers, hilarious customers (like "Kevin", a dad who agreed to hug me when I said I needed a hug as I rang up his stuffed animal), excellent breakroom with tellie, fridge, microwave and sometimes snacks (ham sandwiches and cokes on Black Friday!)
I have applied at Clinton, CT Schools to sub and am currently researching an important topic on the Yale campus. I will pitch The New York Times and others once research is completed, hopefully soon!
Oh yes, I am cold. I need a new coat. But let's hope 2024 turns this poor soul into a fat cat. Happy New Year.


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