Happy May: Let’s bike!

Besides being National Bike Month it is New Haven Bike Month, a celebration of eco-friendly travel and recreation throughout the Elm City sponsored by New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation.
According to the Connecticut Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan:
"In Connecticut, bicycles are considered vehicles and are allowed on all public roads except controlled access highways such as expressways and the Interstate system..."
Events scheduled include this Saturday's "Almost Perfect Rides", where cyclists will pedal from 5 to 120 miles or the May 11th "Dream of the 90s All Terrain Poker Ride" touting a cool hand, Luke in Woodbridge. Many other cycling events entice seasoned, newbie and middling peddlers to hop on their Schwinns.
Community partners have supported Bike Month since its genesis in 2015. Riders can suggest/add events - such as earth-themed rides, bike decorating events, film screenings and neighborhood block parties.
For more information visit the Bike Month site!


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