
Showing posts from May, 2024

My 10 favorite eco-friendly staples (part 2)

Yesterday I began this list from the bottom up. Today I'll roundout my top 10 eco-friendly staples. #5 #1 Cafe Bustelo This supertasty espresso coffee in bold yellow and red foil bags is addictive. And at a modest price (as cheap as $4 at Walmart) it won't break the bank. Do not buy the Kpods (the opposite of eco-friendly) but brew it yourself in either a single Melita #4 filter over a Fino Coffee-Brewing filter cone or in your coffeemaker of choice. You are supporting an original concept, a homespun business from Harlem with its tentacles and heart in Latin America, South America and Cuba. #4 Kiss my Face Triple Action toothpaste with tea tree oil & aloe A recent discovery, I am in love with the fresh, naturally minty sensation after brushing. Cursed with teeth like an eighteenth-century British Low Life, I will take all the enticement I can get to BRUSH. Its tube touts "100% vegan, triclosan and SLS free, BPA free, no artificial colors or flavors. Buy it at Elm ...

My 10 favorite eco-friendly staples (part one)

When scrolling, I recently came upon Jerry Seinfeld's GQ interview, "10 Things Jerry Seinfeld Can't Live Without". Besides recommending you view it, I suggest creating your own list. Mine has a twist-each item is eco-friendly, or lends itself to an eco-friendly choice/lifestyle. #10 The SoapStandle. I have written about it before, and honestly cannot live without it. When I travel, it goes too. I pick up bars of soap I like at hotels and rather than toss them, stick 'em to the Standle and throw a compostable baggie over it. You will never waste soap again - and it won't slither to the edge of the tub, either. #9 Matter compostable garbage bags. A recent discovery makes them no less valued. Kudos for not only being compostable but attractive and handy. I love the smooth, not sticky feel of the bag as well as the everyday ease of its pull string that loops through. #8 Fenrici sweats When I say I wear them every day, I mean they are my go-to yoga-cum-sweatpa...

Happy May: Let’s bike!

Besides being National Bike Month it is New Haven Bike Month, a celebration of eco-friendly travel and recreation throughout the Elm City sponsored by New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation. According to the Connecticut Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan: "In Connecticut, bicycles are considered vehicles and are allowed on all public roads except controlled access highways such as expressways and the Interstate system..." Events scheduled include this Saturday's "Almost Perfect Rides ", where cyclists will pedal from 5 to 120 miles or the May 11th "Dream of the 90s All Terrain Poker Ride " touting a cool hand, Luke in Woodbridge. Many other cycling events entice seasoned, newbie and middling peddlers to hop on their Schwinns. Community partners have supported Bike Month since its genesis in 2015. Riders can suggest/add events - such as earth-themed rides, bike decorating events, film screenings and neighborhood block pa...