
Showing posts from December, 2023

The first annual Greenies!

Connecticut is getting better when it comes to recycling, reusing and repurposing , though we have a long way to go. The Yale campus boasts numerous recycling receptacles, but walk just a couple blocks off campus and folks are throwing their plastic Evian bottles in the gutter. To encourage greenness in the State, I am establishing the first annual Greenies: 1. Best Citizen: Milford resident and former teacher Tony Sam for walking along Edgewood regularly just to pick up litter. "People talk about global warming , but they aren't talking about all this litter." He agreed that litter is part of global warming/climate change. He does not expect accolades, just hopes folks will quit throwing cans out their car windows. 2. Best University Practices: Yale University for clearly labeling recycling matter from throwaway items, a practice ubiquitous across campus including in all libraries and other buildings. 3. Best Statewide Government Change: As of January 1, all those p...

The Wacky Wiegler Year in Review: See Ya, ‘23!

This year sucked. The only redeeming portion of 2023 was the chunk dedicated to helping New Haven schoolchildren and teens turn on their Chromebooks and access the lessons their real teachers had provided them. I also lost 10 pounds. And in February I was offered an environmental reporting job in North Dakota that I, temporarily insane, passed up. Other than that, I did not find a permanent job, boyfriend or cat, nor undiscovered millions. Oh yes, I did fall in love with someone ELSE's cat, Laird, a sturdy white dazzler at a Hamden Airbnb. I also joined the club and caught C , after a mask was brought to a kid in class and an aide pushed her name and number my way. Paxlovid was gross, but it worked. I have spent the 10 months since carefully avoiding sniffling vectors unless you count yesterday when Amtrak diverted us to a bus and the guy behind me coughed his way from New Haven to Hartford . I spent a lot of time alone this year, at McDonald's in West Haven or Branford. Sp...