The first annual Greenies!
Connecticut is getting better when it comes to recycling, reusing and repurposing , though we have a long way to go. The Yale campus boasts numerous recycling receptacles, but walk just a couple blocks off campus and folks are throwing their plastic Evian bottles in the gutter. To encourage greenness in the State, I am establishing the first annual Greenies: 1. Best Citizen: Milford resident and former teacher Tony Sam for walking along Edgewood regularly just to pick up litter. "People talk about global warming , but they aren't talking about all this litter." He agreed that litter is part of global warming/climate change. He does not expect accolades, just hopes folks will quit throwing cans out their car windows. 2. Best University Practices: Yale University for clearly labeling recycling matter from throwaway items, a practice ubiquitous across campus including in all libraries and other buildings. 3. Best Statewide Government Change: As of January 1, all those p...