My date with Covid finally came up

I caught this substitute teaching.
I have a weird feeling in my chest, sort of a cool sensation, but I can breathe. I came down with a sore throat Thursday, tested negative for Covid, then negative again Friday. But after heavy congestion and a hoarse voice, my brother said, "You sound like me when I had it, but maybe it was from being out in the cold."
I had waited 25 minutes for a bus when it was about 17 degrees out. I would not find out till this morning, though, that I'm Covid-positive. After avoiding this successfully since we first learned of the novel virus, my time had come. I even predicted it on New Year's Eve in my annual vision collage, with a single word "Covid." I knew that as a substitute teacher in New Haven, in classroom after classroom with largely unmasked kids and staff and no regular testing, it would only be a matter of time.
Is this how we have to live? If the schools were testing kids regularly with rapid tests and providing staff unlimited free tests, none of this would be as problematic. For all their charm and hilarity, the little urchins are vectors. I am 61. I don't want to sacrifice my remaining good years to a school district who won't even protect substitute teachers. (I have no idea what the teachers' benefits are, but I am making $100 a day and don't even have any sick pay.)
Imagine it is the year 2019 and the schools are faced with a sometimes-fatal disease. What's the pitch to get new subs? True, masks are not mandated except in doctors' offices. But why is that? Politics? Trump supporters? Many of them rue the day they refused to get vaccinated.
I know American schools can do better. I am worth $200 a day, two weeks' sick time, more if I get (God forbid) Long Covid, and free tests. I deserve this because I am teaching your child not only ling division or the difference between a metaphor and a simile, but what it means to reveal character. Character is revealed when life is toughest. Our elected leaders should rise to the challenge and protect subs and other "heroes".


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