
Showing posts from 2021

New England cities not among the greenest in America - but population a factor

BBC Earth’s “Eden: Untamed Planet” explodes with life and heartache in Pantagonia

“Variants!” reveals how Covid can continue to evolve and threaten vaccine efficacy

Special Clothing Halts Mosquito Bites, NC researchers find

Plastic Free July: have some fun with it

Ridding your junk mail the green way

Earth Day drinking? Try GoSili reusable straws

Dr. Fauci adamant that we must stay the course to avoid fourth wave

Fenrici Eco-Chic Sweats Mean Not Sweating Your Carbon Footprint

Five things I have learned to do myself because of the pandemic

Black clean beauty expert releases snazzy spring lip line

Sugar, Sugar: Summit Seeks to Make it Not so Sweet