Earth Day-friendly compostables that matter
Sustainable cups, straws and storage bags may not sound as sexy as hunky deep-sea explorers saving coral reefs, but all play a part in the effort to protect Earth . Matter Compostable and Earth Friendly Tru-Genuity, LLC of Maple Plain, Minn. touts these products as they are made from plants and natural fibers instead of plastic (including plastic coatings on paper plates), so they are biodegradable. They are part of a happy trend this Earth Day, as companies are realizing it is not only an environmental payoff but a financial boost to go green(er). I love the feel of the utensils, which also look classier than something you'd pick up at most fast food restaurants. The bags feel nice and sturdy -- my dentist said his family uses compostable bags for pet waste -- while also being attractive and easy to split apart from the roll. "Matter's products are BPI and/or TUV (an international, independent certification process) -certified compostable so you can be confident that ...