Greening your Christmas: gifts, turkeys and trees

Christmas begins with coffee. I don't care if you are "a tea person" or some phony "just water for me" whiner, java appears on every family's kitchen counter Christmas morning. This is because Santa was up all night delivering presents to Rome and Bali and now he/she's back, having just wrapped Junior's bike. Santa is knackered. I buy Steeped coffee from Santa Cruz whenever I want a quick, eco-friendly way to get my fix. "The Lineup" features several types, with names like "California Blend", a gentle everyday choice, and the bolder "Breakwater Blend". There are even decaf packets for you of the sensitive stomach. The company is certified as a "farm-to-cup" B Corp, meaning it has met standards for transparency, accountability and charitible giving. This is 100 percent ethically-sourced coffee, roasted in small batches. It comes in cute compostable bags that mimic the tea experience. I recommend reusing your ba...