WalletHub ranks Connecticut Fourth for Auto Energy Efficiency
In keeping with the spirit of National Energy Awareness Month, WalletHub has released its annual state rankings for home energy and auto efficiency, excluding Hawaii and Alaska. Top spots went to Massachussetts, New York and Rhode Island; the bottom rungs belong to West Virginia (46), Alabama (47) and South Carolina (48). No doubt, Hawaii would have enjoyed a spot very near the top, as it consistently ranks very highly for energy efficiency and overall environmental responsibility. Connecticut only ranked 15th for home energy efficiency, but can be very proud of its position in vehicle efficiency. Take a drive down the Post Road in Milford and you will be struck by the number of EV charging stations in front of the Post Mall. Similar 'burbs are seeing such an influx. Driving a Tesla or Toyota Highlander is no longer the purview of the "tree hugging" elite or mocked, but a sign of civic and environmental responsibility. I sent WalletHub 's analyst Jill Gonzalez a...