Greener Cleaning in the New Year
I had the pleasure of trying several green products in 2019. From eco-friendly make-up remover wipes to distilled spirits, plant-based sesame milk to a long-lasting totable LED flashlight . This isn't hard news, but it isn't fake news either. I shy away from writing about products in a way that implies an endorsement, but I also hate to call out products that don't meet my criteria: eco-friendly but pleasant smelling or tasting, in the case of food and cleaning products. Let's be honest - cleaning solutions, for example, do have a long way to go. The mosquito repellent I raved about nonetheless has an odor that requires my keeping it in a special bag. I am still willing to sacrifice a little of the smell/taste comfort zone for lightening my footprint on the climate change scale. One product that has really grown on me is Greenerways Organic chemical-free all-purpose cleaner. The company also makes what is billed as "a skin-soothing, kid and pet safe line of SPF...